Increasing Fuel Costs in the UK make it the ideal time to save money with a vehicle tracking system.
With the recent fuel duty and oil price increases and with even more to come now is great time for your company to add a tracking system if you run a fleet of vehicles.
A vehicle tracking system can help you to save the fuel used by your company vehicles dramatically so investing in this now is a great idea.
Not only will your company save money now but the impact of the changes in fuel duty to come will be reduced.
Saving money is actually better than making money, and a Vehicle Tracking System saves customers thousands, even hundreds of thousands of pounds per year. Vehicle Tracking Systems feature many ways that make tracking vehicles and streamlining operations simple.
Use less fuel and stop speeding drivers
It is a fact that reducing speed by 10MPH increases fuel efficiency by 20%. Many customers report £150 savings per 10 vehicles in one month by keeping their drivers at a maximum of 65MPH. The owner of one company reported saving £4000 over two months just in fuel costs. Do the numbers for your business and add up your possible savings. The pounds add up fast—here’s a simple example with a very conservative estimate: 50 vehicles reduce speed and save £10 each per week in fuel costs. That’s £26,000 in a year. Slowing down a speeding driver can also limit tickets, accidents and litigation against your company.
Limit unnecessary trips and unauthorised use
Customers tell us their employees off-route driving completely ends once they know a vehicle tracking system is installed in their vehicle. No more extended lunches, driving off-route to go home to eat, run errands, etc. How valuable is that?
One customer reported that one driver was travelling home 60 miles per day when they should have been working. That’s a potential savings of £15-£20 in fuel per day. And that’s just for one driver. Imagine what you can save if everyone stays productive.
Ensure proper work hours, lunch breaks and overtime records
This is self explanatory, and another area where you can save thousands of pounds per year. Employees won’t likely record bogus work, lunch or overtime hours if they know their work vehicle is being tracked. If you can gain just 30 minutes of productivity each day could save as much as £1500 per employee each year. How many drivers do you have?
The more your workers actually work and record correct information, the more your business is operating cost-efficiently. The immediate impact vehicle tracking system units provide in this category is mentioned quite often by our satisfied customers.
Posted by sandracru1988
at 6:04 PM EDT